Wednesday, July 29, 2009

ATTN Twilighters: Victoria to be recast for 'Eclipse' film

Yes it is true.  Today, Summit Entertainment announced that Rachelle Lefavre, the beautiful redhead that portrays Victoria in the Twilight saga is being released from her contract to play her character in the third film, Eclipse

According to Rachelle, she was stunned that Summit announced their shocking recasting move so quickly after a dispute between herself and Summit regarding her committment to the production months for Eclipse.  She explained she only agreed to film roles in movies that only had "short shooting schedules".  She stated that she was committed to a film for only ten days of shooting, but Summit explained they couldn't accomodate and that her schedule and their own for Eclipse would conflict.  Unfortunately, Summit let her go and we are all sad to see her go.  It is a D-bag move on Summit's part but apparently they already filled the position for Victoria with Ron Howard's Daughter, Bryce Dallas Howard.  She's got the hair and the skin, but does she have the talent and the fans???  

In Victoria's words, "We Shall See..."

500 Days of Summer = True depictions of Love's Challenges

Finally!  Here is a movie that conveys how Love can screw you over time and time again!  When I saw this movie, I couldn't help but feel horrible for the poor sap, Tom (Joseph Gorden-Levitt) who is love with someone who is not completly on the same page with him.  However, there is a truth to this movie.  How many times have people on this planet loved someone who didn't entirely love them back, and were led on only to find themselves in complete and utter lonliness after finding out?  Millions!  It starts in freaking secondary schooling for some!  You have a crush on someone and you all start off as friends then proceed to believe you and he/she are something more and then BAM...  reality, you're alone on that loveboat.  It is in our nature to love, and to react to our feelings when someone good comes along, however when Tom reacts, Summer (Zooey Deschanel) and her glorious personality and charm she responds!  She responds and then drops him like a hat... OUCH.  However, finally some TRUTH!  In movies we always see happy endings.  We think highly of those movies because it makes us feel good in the end.  What Filmmakers don't realize is that they are conveying LIES!  Reality isn't finding your soulmate, then separating and then by some miracle you all are reunited again after so many years and then you get married! (not an actual movie... but it sounds about right huh?)  Life is all challenging!  Life is a rollar coaster... you feel like a million buck one second then the next you are plumeting down into depression.. it happens.   
500 Days of Summer not only depicts a rollar coaster ride... it shows all the twists and turns of it all.  This "rollar coaster of love" film was amazing and I thoroughly enjoyed it.  It spoke of the honest reality that is Love and Heartache and dazzled me with its amazing songs within. 

(Seriously, BUY or Listen to the soundtrack.. AMAZING!)

I recommend this movie to anyone and everyone who has either been in love or thought they were in love!  :)  Go see it!  You won't be disappointed.  Look beyond his sorrow, see the truth!

Go Forth

Monday, July 27, 2009

New Moon Movie now has a website!

For those of you following up on the New Moon movie updates, there is now a website exclusively for the movie.  It lovely features like, a gallery of movie stills and character bios.  Also you get to take a closer look at the Cullen House and Black House as well.  More media is coming to the site, but this is just the start we need to keep up!
