Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Anna Kendrick and George Clooney go Up in The Air!

That's right, little Anna Kendrick from Twilight landed a supporting role in Up in the Air ( coming out December 4, 2009with veteran movie star, George Clooney!  It's amazing what a small role in a major movie series will get you!  

The story is that Ryan Bingham (Clooney) is constantly on the move, traveling the nation to bascially, terminate people from their jobs.  He gets to live out of a suitcase, toss aside remorse and compassion from his life and he's loving every minute of it.  The downside is that his boss decides to hire young, arrogant Natalie (Kendrick), who develops a method of termination without ever leaving the office; video conferences.  As this threatens Ryans very lifestyle and profession, he takes her along one of his firing expeditions to show her what face to face termination is all about.  The clencher is that she begins to realize the disheartening realities of her profession and Ryan finally begins to see the downfalls to his way of life.  

Hmm.... interesting.  This is on my list of movies to see over the holidays!

'Ninja Assassin' :: Jet Li Film on Steroids

Ok, can I just say that the Ninja Assassin movie looks like a Jet Li/Crouching Tiger film on Crack!  In this first teaser trailer, it looks like something out of Frank Miller's 300.  The evil kid, with no shirt on breathing hard, beating the crap out of another kid... hmm seen it before!!!  Then there's the kid all grown up just being a ninja badass that pulls a Bruce Wayne-like, betrayl move on his trainer/father and yeah... you get it.  

So the other ninja badasses are after him... and this Liu Kang-type just kills everyone with his special ninja moves.  I feel like I've seen all this before... but the effects and action seem pretty solid.  Who knows, I may go see it with a bunch of dudes... cause I think my lady friends wont enjoy it as much.  HAHA