Look out Sweeny Todd, you may not be the only musical now that has vast amounts of blood around! That's right, the most infamous musical flop, Carrie, is being revived!
The show only ran for five perfomances in 1988, but set a new standard on the Broadway Crap Scale... and they lost $8 million. OUCH!
Rent, Avenue Q and Westside Story producers Jeffery Seller and Kevin McCollum are behind the idea of bringing horror back to the stage. Next month, they will be putting on a six-figure workshop of the muscial based on Stephen King's novel about a damaged teenage girl with telekinetic powers.
Let's hope thenew version of the musical won't make the same mistakes as the original...
I never saw it, but apparently the high school gym set looked like a Greek temple, the students wore togas, and there were boys in leather slaughtering pigs... umm no thanks!
So... let's get it right this time eh? King wrote this novel without the idea of Caesar in the back of his head or The Gods... k?
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