Sunday, October 11, 2009

J.J. Abrams Talks 'Mission Impossible: IV' and Star Trek 2

At a press conference held in honor of Star Trek's DVD/Blu-Ray release... director J.J. Abrams dished out a few details about Mission Impossible: IV and Star Trek 2.

Abrams was acting coy about details on Star Trek 2, but he mentioned he was excited about working with his Trek universe's alternate timeline.  When asked about doing the film in 3d, he stated that he was looking at the technology after being "wowed" by Avatar footage.

Leonard Nimoy's involvement was brought up, but Abrams couldn't comment cause the story is still in development... he's not sure if there is a need for Nimoy to reappear.  
J.J. Abrams is currently juggling Mission Impossible: IV alongside Star Trek 2 and is having high hopes for a fan-serving cameo...

"I just got a call that Peter Graves is in great shape, which would be a very bizarre bend in the space-time continuum, for obvious reasons," he said.--MTV Movie Blog

Peter Graves was Captain Clarence Oveur from the two Airplane flicks.  Graves was also IMF director Jim Phelps in the original TV series.  Wonder who will play the villian this time?  Perhaps Jack Nicholson?  Micheal Cain? I'm just guessing these guys cause Phillip Seymour Hoffman was just random...

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